Discover MyDay Payroll Dashboard
Simplify your payroll management with MyDay! The Payroll Dashboard offers real-time milestone tracking, quick insights, and the ability to streamline your payroll process. Our goal is to make payroll more reliable and easier to use, so it helps you focus on accurate and efficient payroll management.
One exciting feature you'll love is the Autocomplete Payroll Input Milestone functionality. This smart feature automatically marks the first milestone as complete once you've uploaded all necessary payroll input files and clicked the notification icon, which reduces manual work and saves your time. It’s just one of the many ways MyDay helps you work smarter, not harder.
What is MyDay?
MyDay is a revolutionary new interface developed by Safeguard Pay to centralize the many tasks involved in calculating, issuing, and reporting on payroll that transforms the way payroll is tracked & managed. We intend for MyDay to become the future home for all of your day-to-day payroll questions and activities, from keeping tabs on how far along we are with your payroll, to fetching reports, communicating with our specialists and team members, and more.
What is the MyDay Payroll Dashboard?
Safeguard Pay’s payroll specialists use MyDay to manage their daily tasks, complete milestones, and process your payrolls efficiently. The Payroll Dashboard reflects their progress, offering a clear and visual summary of each milestone’s status for every legal entity (payroll). This ensures full transparency and provides real-time updates for you and your team.
How It Works
How It Works: Payroll Milestones & Tasks
A legal entity's (payrolls) payroll processing schedule contains key milestones that ensure payroll is processed on time. Under each Milestone, there are sub milestones & detailed tasks that must be actioned to consider the Milestone as completed. For example, the "Payroll Output to Client" milestone includes tasks such as generating payroll reports and completing validation checks - these are handled by Safeguard Pay’s payroll specialists to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
How It Works: Filtering For Entities & Countries
The Payroll Dashboard contains a legal entity & country filter which enables you to easily locate & view a specific legal entity (payroll) payrun status.
Multiple entries can easily be selected at once from the legal entity & country filters, or you can use the Search feature to filter freely for keywords.
How It Works: Tracking Your Payroll
Each milestone has a target due date based on your legal entity's payroll processing schedule. Milestones not started will be coloured gray, with no progress shown until Safeguard Pay completes at least one task. However, as the core tasks of that milestone are completed by our payroll specialists, the progress bar gradually fills.
Milestones, where all tasks are successfully completed on or before the target date, will be marked as 100% complete and coloured green.
Milestones that are in progress but not yet complete will show the percentage complete and coloured amethyst. You can examine the icon near a milestone to see what percentage of tasks have been completed so far.
Milestones that are in progress but overdue - past their target date - will be coloured red, you can examine the completion status the same way as denoted above. Milestones that are completed but were finished after their target date are considered "completed late” and will be coloured yellow.
Who will have access to the Payroll Dashboard?
The MyDay Payroll Dashboard is currently available for Payroll 360 payrolls processed through our in-country partners (ICPs), offering real-time insights and status updates.
In the coming months, we plan to expand MyDay to include Payroll 360 payrolls processed by Safeguard Pay’s Direct Delivery Market (DDM) teams, as well as all Payroll Express payrolls processed through in-country partners (ICP) and Direct Delivery Market (DDM) channels.
How do I get to MyDay?
You'll find the MyDay menu option on the left-hand side of Global Unity. Upon clicking this, MyDay will be launched in a new browser window. You can also bookmark for direct access.
My legal entity (Payroll) has 2 or more pay runs within the same pay period, will they all be displayed?
Yes. The MyDay Payroll Dashboard displays all run types (i.e. main & supplementary) separately in accordance with the Payroll Processing Schedule within Global Unity.
When filtering for countries or entities, can I select several at once?
Absolutely! Our robust filtering system allows you and your payroll team to filter data depending on their/your needs, filtering for just one country at a time or for all the countries they/you oversee, or just specific legal entities within those countries.
Can I continue to use other Global Unity user interfaces if my legal entity (payroll) is not active on MyDay?
You can continue to use all Global Unity user interfaces as you do today.
I have a payroll in a particular country I'm looking for, but it's not showing up.
Before 2025, only legal entities (payrolls) processed via Safeguard Pay’s In-Country Partners (ICPs) were active on MyDay, all remaining payrolls will commence onboarding in early 2025. If you have any questions about which of your payrolls are currently active in MyDay, please reach out to your allocated Payroll Specialist or Service Delivery Manager.
I have feedback about MyDay or the Payroll Dashboard.
We'd love to hear it! Safeguard Pay’s Product team strives to have conversations directly with our customers. It's where we get our best ideas. If you'd like to get in touch with us, send us an email at
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